NAP für Tiere?

Das Nichtaggressionsprinzip (NonAggressionPrinciple, NAP) verbietet Gewalt gegenüber anderen (ausser zur Selbstverteidigung). Erfordert dieses noble Prinzip in der Tradition von Immanuel Kants kategorischem Imperativ den Verzicht auf Zucht, Schlacht und Verzehr von Tieren?

Um dies genauer zu erörtern sind wir Gast bei der Planted Food AG, welche in Kemptthal Fleisch aus Pflanzen produziert. Nach einer kurzen Vorstellung der Firma werden Brenda Maeder (pro) und Gioia Porlezza (contra) über das Thema “NAP für Tiere” debattieren. Danach besteht die Möglichkeit gemeinsam bei Planted im Planted Bistro by Hiltl Znacht zu essen und ihre Fleischalternativen zu kosten. Wir freuen uns, wenn auch Du dabei bist.

Datum: Freitag, 12.11.2021
17:30 Apéro
18:00 Vorstellung Planted
18:10 Diskussion
19:00 Znacht
Ort: Kemptpark 32/34 (400m vom Bahnhof Kemptthal Richtung Zürich),

Wir hoffen auf schönes Wetter um den ganzen Anlass draussen durchführen zu können. Sollte es zu nass oder zu kalt werden, finden sowohl die Diskussion wie auch das Znacht im Sitzungszimmer bzw. Bistro von Planted statt. Der 3G-Zwang beherrscht die Gastronomie, politische Veranstaltungen jedoch erst ab 50 Personen.


  1. NAP for animals is a complete error and a mess,abortion violates NAP,putting animals equal to humans it is intrinsically a fall of our civilisation

  2. I was informed there would be a Libertarian discussion for possible inclusion of animals in the
    NAP. I would very much like to converse with you about this subject.

    Tomorrow a text of mine will be send to all Dutch Libertarian party members which addressed the same subject.

    I would very much like to share this with you.

    Title: November 1 – World Vegan Day
    Dear all, this is my first article for the LP mail so I would like to kick in the door with a controversial opening.
    *Unpopular opinion: Tax is not always theft*
    Tax is not always theft, because theft involves confiscating people’s posessions without their permission. Taxation isn’t always robbery either, meaning someone knows you’re stealing under threat of harm, neither is it unknowingly stealing behind someone’s back. However, taxation is always exploitation, misusing someone or a group of people to take advantage of them and thus benefit oneself. In any case, compulsory taxation is a form of aggression.
    Libertarians, also ardent adherents of this non-aggression principle, often know from experience that popular things are often not the most logically consistent, and therefore libertarians do not often find themselves aligned with majority opinion. Individuality is therefore seen as a great asset.
    With individuality, of course, comes the choices of one’s lifestyle. Life means body i.e. in which you live, without a body you have no life. You cannot live without a body. Style means what you do. Lifestyle means what you do with your body.
    For example, with your body you can choose to try to kill animals or you can choose to try not to. Veganism is a lifestyle and ethical point of view, ethics meaning “to place oneself with the personal nature of one’s character”, which is based on the non-aggression principle of trying not to kill animals.
    I enjoyed writing a text about what veganism means because I couldn’t find it really clear anywhere and I was curious if you agree with this, and therefore whether you can agree with this. In this paper I expand on why someone might want to consider a vegan lifestyle. This is purely my opinion which I have put together here so I would really appreciate it if you guys would shoot at it which could lead to some improvement e.g. if you disagree, something is missing or if you would phrase something differently.
    I’ve never understood why all libertarians aren’t vegan. In my opinion, libertarians are the most reasonable people in the world and so I would like you to consider the document I have written as a conversation starter. The whole article may be a bit longer, but hopefully it will be fairly easy to read on the website.
    English version:
    Until the next. Rody Mens

  3. Hallo zusammen

    Vielen Dank für Euer Interesse an unserem Anlass von kommendem Freitag, 12.11.21 in Kemptthal zum Thema, ob das Nichtaggressionsprinzip auch für Tiere gilt. Leider haben wir zu wenige Anmeldungen erhalten, so dass der Anlass verschoben wird. Wir suchen ein neues Datum das auf mehr Anklang stossen dürfte und kommunizieren dieses über die bekannten Social Media und Newsletter-Kanäle.

    Wir bleiben in Kontakt – würde mich freuen, wenn wir uns im Dezember beim Glühwein sehen – Datum folgt ebenfalls.

    Freiheitliche Grüsse

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